ADA launches dental procedure code task force

2016 10 31 16 18 11 359 Ada Logo 400

The ADA Council on Dental Benefits Programs has created a task force to review the Code on Dental Procedures and Nomenclature (CDT Code).

The Enhanced CDT Code Taskforce is being led by Dr. Randall Markarian and will address the following topics: clinical documentation, administrative transactions, and data exchange/interoperability. Its first meeting was on August 26.

The CDT Code needs an update, Markarian said in an ADA News article.

"The advent of data analytics, the need to measure outcomes and the emergence of artificial/augmented intelligence all necessitate the repositioning of CDT for uses beyond claims administration," he said. "The profession is in need of a procedure coding system that will support a robust electronic health record and cost-effective data analyses mechanisms."

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