Woman breaks world record with tongue wider than a soda can

With a tongue width of 5.21 inches, a woman in Oregon has made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for the largest tongue circumference for a female, according to a story published on February 27 in Guinness World Records.

Though Jenny DuVander of Portland, OR, always knew she had a large tongue, it wasn’t until she was reading the 2023 version of Guinness with her son and noticed there was a tongue circumference category that she decided to consider if it was record-breaker.

After measuring her tongue herself, she had a dentist take the official measurement using dental floss to find out its real size, according to the story.

DuVander admits that her tongue is "pretty weird looking," but she said it's strong and helps her when she's playing the flute, especially the fast notes.

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