Ruhl named interim dean of University at Buffalo

2020 03 09 22 47 2722 Ruhl Stefan 20200309223902

The University at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine has named Dr. Stefan Ruhl, PhD, as interim dean, effective January 6.

Dr. Stefan Ruhl, PhD. Image courtesy of the University at Buffalo.Dr. Stefan Ruhl, PhD. Image courtesy of the University at Buffalo.

Ruhl currently serves at the university as professor and associate chair of the department of oral biology. He is one of the first to catalog the human salivary proteome, the university said.

He joined the faculty in 2007 from the University of Regensburg in Germany and is a former president of the International Association for Dental Research Salivary Research Group.

He is editor in chief of Clinical Oral Investigations and an editorial board member of the Journal of Dental Research.

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