Poor oral health may make COVID-19 more severe

2020 11 09 21 59 0645 3d Closeup Coronavirus 400

Poor oral health can increase the severity of COVID-19, especially in cardiac patients, according to a study to be presented at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Middle East 2021 meeting in Cairo on October 14.

Dr. Ahmed Mustafa Basuoni of Cairo University and colleagues conducted a study that included 86 heart disease patients with confirmed COVID-19. Study participants completed a questionnaire regarding their oral health and COVID-19 severity.

The researchers found a significant inverse correlation between oral health and the severity of COVID-19. Poor oral health also was associated with delayed recovery and increased C-reactive protein (CRP) levels, which indicates inflammation.

"Oral tissues could act as a reservoir for SARS-CoV-2, developing a high viral load in the oral cavity," Basuoni said in a statement released by the ACC. "Therefore, we recommend maintenance of oral health and improving oral hygiene measures, especially during COVID-19 infection."

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