ADA Foundation names continuity of care grant winners

The ADA Foundation has announced three organizations as the recipients of its 2018 Give Kids A Smile Continuity of Care Grants.

The Oklahoma City Indian Clinic will receive a $20,000 grant to serve 75 low-income American Indian families with children in Oklahoma. The Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Foundation in New Orleans will receive a $12,500 grant to serve about 200 children at a local school that has a high proportion of children of recent immigrants.

Also, Children's Dental Services of Minneapolis will receive a $10,000 grant for restorative dental care for about 500 underserved children in the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN, metropolitan area.

The funding aims to help established Give Kids A Smile programs provide a dental home for patients after their initial visit through the program. Give Kids A Smile provides financial support for free oral healthcare services for children from low-income families.

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