OralDNA Labs to market genetic perio disease test

OralDNA Labs has received a nonexclusive license from Interleukin Genetics to market, sell, and distribute Interleukin's PST Genetic Test to U.S. dental practices. The test assesses an individual's genetic risk for periodontal disease.

Interleukin will receive a set fee per test for all tests sold. Also, patients will be asked in the informed consent if they would like to receive additional testing services provided by Interleukin.

"We believe that by combining our MyPerioPath test, which identifies specific pathogenic bacteria causing an infection within the gum structure, with the PST Genetic Test, we are providing the dental community with the proper tools to identify and treat periodontal disease," said Brian Carr, CEO of OralDNA, in a press release. "The combination of both tests creates a systematic way to track and maximize clinical outcomes for dental professionals and their patients."

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