Admetec launches new loupe series

2022 06 16 23 44 5792 2022 06 14 Admetec Ergo 400

Admetec has introduced a new category of magnification loupes called the Ergo series to the North American market.

The loupes are available in six different levels of magnification: 3x, 4x, 5x, 6x, 7.5x, and 10x. The Ergo 10x loupe weighs 52 grams.

The Ergo series are through-the-lens (TTL) deflection loupes enabling a real declination angle of up to 80 degrees. Ergo provides a new, more natural way to work, eliminating the need for head inclination, thus reducing the load on the cervical spine and stress on the musculoskeletal system, the company said.

Dentist using Ergo loupes with 4x magnification. Image courtesy of Admetec.Dentist using Ergo loupes with 4x magnification. Image courtesy of Admetec.
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