Stratasys debuts new 3D printer

2021 12 09 18 04 6595 2021 12 08 Stratasys Origin One Dental 400

Stratasys has introduced its new Origin One Dental printer, which provides dental labs with comprehensive additive manufacturing solutions.

Powered by a proprietary print technology called P3 programmable photopolymerization, the printer offers an open material infrastructure that supports a variety of applications.

The Origin One Dental printer is intended to be used for flow production and to create small batches comprising a single material that require a short print time. The printer is designed to maximize the output of each application and streamline the production process, Stratasys said.

The Stratasys Origin One Dental 3D printer. Image courtesy of Stratasys.The Stratasys Origin One Dental 3D printer. Image courtesy of Stratasys.
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