Exocad unveils new partial-denture design software

2021 06 22 15 29 2283 2021 06 21 Exocad 20210622155702

Align Technology's Exocad has rolled out PartialCAD 3.0 Galway, a module for removable partial-denture frameworks.

The release includes the following features:

  • Accurate fits from attachment-based partial-framework designs without scanning the attachment itself or the accessory parts
  • Interaction of the crown-and-bridge workflow with the partial-framework workflow to reverse plan the restoration
  • Ability to design multiple separate elements, including framework, teeth, and gingiva, through integration of partial-framework design with DentalCAD
  • Reverse planning with exportable teeth and gingiva and the possibility to combine secondary telescopic crowns with partial frameworks

The release is available immediately worldwide as an add-on module or standalone module, Exocad said.

PartialCAD 3.0 Galway used to design removable partial dentures is now available. The release integrates with Exocad's DentalCAD. Image courtesy of Exocad.PartialCAD 3.0 Galway used to design removable partial dentures is now available. The release integrates with Exocad's DentalCAD. Image courtesy of Exocad.
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