2C MedTech is teaming up with CASPR Group to bring the company's Medik disinfection technology to dental offices around the world.

Continuous Air and Surface Pathogen Reduction (CASPR) Medik was previously available only to hospitals as an in-duct HVAC product, but it is now available to dental offices as well, according to 2C MedTech. The firms said they are also launching CASPR Compact Medik, a new portable unit.
Originally developed to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections, the Medik disinfection technology reacts with the water molecules found in the air to continuously create highly effective oxidizing molecules such as hydrogen peroxide, according to the company. These molecules are delivered at safe levels to reduce clinically relevant pathogens, including viruses, 2C MedTech said.
CASPR Medik provides continuous air and surface protection and yields up to a 99.96% kill rate of bacteria, viruses, and molds on surfaces, according to the firm.