Crystal debuts mineral-enriched teeth-whitening line

2020 03 03 00 39 5225 Crystal True Minerals 20200303005204

Mineral salt deodorant manufacturer Crystal has entered the oral care market with the launch of its True Minerals teeth-whitening line.

The True Minerals line. Image courtesy of Crystal.The True Minerals line. Image courtesy of Crystal.

The True Minerals line uses naturally formulated minerals as an alternative to strips and trays for teeth whitening, the company said. The line includes two distinct teeth-whitening sets:

  • The True Minerals advanced dental whitening system leverages Crystal's patented dual-energy Xenon and light emitting diode (LED) technology to remove stains. The set also includes a mineral-enriched whitening toothpaste.
  • The True Minerals daily teeth-whitening kit and refill include a priming rinse and a whitening serum for stain removal, as well as the company's mineral-enriched whitening toothpaste.
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