UCLA School of Dentistry receives $1.67M from Delta Dental

2022 09 08 23 17 1676 2022 09 08 Dentis Patient 400

The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) School of Dentistry received a $1.67 million gift from Delta Dental to increase access to comprehensive oral healthcare for geriatric and special needs populations.

A dentist with a patient. All images courtesy of Chris Flynn/UCLA.A dentist with a patient. All images courtesy of Chris Flynn/UCLA.

The dental school will use the funds to create the UCLA Dentistry Mindful Project, which stands for mobile care in dentistry for underserved populations living in long-term care facilities.

The project has the following three primary objectives:

  • Increase the number of proficient oral health providers for target populations
  • Increase oral health literacy for target populations and caregivers
  • Increase research into the barriers that impact access to care

Delta Dental noted that the donation is the largest single gift to a dental school through its Community Care Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Delta Dental of California.

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