How I will be using an intraoral scanner in my practice after the COVID-19 disruption

2019 10 23 22 18 7991 Rice David 400

Let's face it: Dental practices have a lot of catching up to do after the COVID-19 pandemic slowed our industry to a crawl around the U.S.

In upstate New York, we have just begun to increase our patient loads and fill our schedule back up with more than emergencies. I'm excited to get back to dentistry, and I'm excited to use the technology that we implemented before the COVID-19 disruption to not only help our patients but also boost our productivity.

At the start of the year, I purchased a new intraoral scanner because I believe so strongly in everything this technology can bring to our practice.

Back in December, I wrote an article about why an intraoral scanner should be a part of your practice. Even after all of the things that dentistry has gone through since that time, I still believe, perhaps more than ever, that dental practices should be moving their technology forward and looking ahead to what our patients will want and need the rest of this year and beyond.

In the video below, I walk you through my first scan as well as the unboxing process and some of the ways that I can use this piece of technology. That includes using it precase acceptance as a teaching tool. It also includes using it as a tracking tool with things like occlusion and tissue management for the patient.

Think about all of the different ways you and your team could use an intraoral scanner in your practice moving forward. If you have any questions after watching the video, feel free to drop me a line and I will tell you what has worked for other practices. Learning from each other is one of the best ways we can grow as a profession.

I'm excited to get back to dentistry. I hope you are as well.

The comments and observations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor should they be construed as an endorsement or admonishment of any particular idea, vendor, or organization.

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