Paying honor to heroes and their dental connection, plus this week's top stories

Kevin Henry.
Kevin Henry.

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Today's newsletter is going out on Friday, September 20. Here in the U.S., today is National POW/MIA Recognition Day, a day set aside to honor those who were prisoners of war (POW) as well as those missing in action (MIA) who never returned from the battlefield. It's a day that means a lot to me, as I learned from an early age about how the lack of knowledge and closure surrounding a service member who was a POW or MIA haunts a family.

One of my mom's dear friends' husband was a pilot who was shot down over Vietnam and was never accounted for. The pain that the family went through helped my mom become extremely active in the Oklahoma POW/MIA chapter. To this day, I'm proud that I went with her (as a 7-year-old) to Washington, DC, as she spoke with members of Congress and the Senate about the importance of making sure all of our heroes came home.

I'm flying the POW/MIA flag in front of my house today not only to commemorate this day but also to honor those who still are missing.

Yes, it's another well-deserved day set aside to honor our military, but maybe we in the dental industry should honor the military every day for a different reason as well. After all, did you know that it was the veterans returning home from World War II who helped our country understand the value of brushing one's teeth twice a day? Check out this article, which in part reads, "It was only after World War II that returning U.S. troops, who were forced to brush their teeth as part of the U.S. Army's strict hygiene and readiness standards, brought their new habit home with them. It wasn't long before regular brushing became the norm and halitosis something to be feared."

If you're up for a little history lesson, check out this World War II-era training film for soldiers on the value of taking care of their teeth and the importance of it. Maybe we can all learn a little something from it.

My thanks to the members of the U.S. military for not only keeping us safe every day but for playing a role in expanding our industry as well.

This week's top stories

Recent research shows that patients with periodontitis may have distinct blood protein profiles, with changes in specific proteins and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.

A former dental office employee is accused of tampering with a computer at an Illinois practice after she was fired and illegally performing teeth whitening offsite without having a dental license, according to multiple reports.

According to a case report, after being treated with temporary endodontic material containing polyethylene glycol, two patients experienced anaphylaxis, one of whom died.

Whether you're a dentist-owner, practice manager, or a dental service organization (DSO) executive, it can be difficult to know what to prioritize to help you meet your goals. Beth Gaddis talked with DSO executives about "analysis paralysis" in this article.

If you're placing implants in your practice, here's some news you need to know. For patients with head and neck cancer, implants in the irradiated upper jaw may have lower survival rates than those placed in the lower jaw.

Migraines and severe headaches may be associated with the number of missing posterior teeth, according to a very large study of U.S. patients.

Thanks as always for reading We wish you and yours nothing but health and happiness this weekend and in the days ahead.

Kevin Henry

Editor in Chief

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